Lecturers (Academic Federation Faculty)


Sasha Abramsky

  • Continuing Lecturer
350 Voorhies
Office Hours
M 3:00-5:00, T 3:00-5:00
Research Areas
I specialize in political reporting and social justice journalism, with an emphasis on reporting on poverty, immigration, the criminal justice system. My book The American Way of Poverty was listed as one of the New York Times' 100 Notable Books of the Year, establishing me as a national expert on poverty and on ways of giving voice to those living in poverty. I also write extensively on both documented I am a political correspondent and columnist for the Nation, and am now their west coast correspondent; I have a long track-reoord of writing both about national and also state politics.

Katie Arosteguy

  • WAC Consultant | Continuing Lecturer
114 Voorhies
Office Hours
W 9-12 in-person & via Zoom
Research Areas
writing in education; teacher preparation/education; k-12 literacy & tutor preparation; rhetorical approaches to writing in the disciplines; professional writing

Jillian Azevedo

  • Editor, Prized Writing | Continuing Lecturer
369 Voorhies
Office Hours
R 8:00-10:00 & by Zoom appt.
Research Areas
Early Modern History; Women’s History; Writing in History; Writing in Social Justice; Higher Education in Prison

Melissa Bender

  • Continuing Lecturer
311 Voorhies
Office Hours
T 10:30-12:30 on Zoom; R 10:30-11:30 in 311 Voorhies
Research Areas
Writing pedagogy with special interest in rhetorical approaches to disciplinary composition and source work; rhetoric of health and medicine; visual and material rhetoric; the rhetoric of public history; U.S. memoir and life writing.

Alison Bright

  • WAC Consultant | Continuing Lecturer
309 Voorhies
Office Hours
Thursday 10:00-11:30 AM and by appointment
Research Areas
writing program administration; writing across the curriculum; writing centers; tutor preparation; teacher identity; the professional development of teacher/writers

Russ Carpenter

  • WAC Consultant | Lecturer
Office Hours
T, 1:40-3:00, W, 1:00-3:00
Research Areas
Science communication, scientific posters, STEM teaching, writing center pedagogy, neuroscience, animal behavior, behavioral neuroscience, stress, learning and memory

Kate Caslin

  • Continuing Lecturer
368 Voorhies
Office Hours
M 12:30-2 (in person,) T 1:30-3 (zoom) & by appt.
Research Areas
Second Language Writing, Second Language Acquisition

Kelly Crosby

  • Continuing Lecturer
Office Hours
Zoom only: T 11:30-1, W 1-2:30, and by appointment
Research Areas
Second language writing, writing assessment, curriculum design, literacy pedagogy

Lindsey de Genova

  • Lecturer
Shields 87C-18
Office Hours
M/W 9:00-9:50, T 2:30-4:00 via zoom, and by appt
Research Areas
Community Building in FYC, Queer Theory, Feminist Rhetoric

Julian Elias

  • Continuing Lecturer
Research Areas
academic literacy, multilingual writing, writing across the curriculum, second language acquisition

Sarah Faye

  • Continuing Lecturer
Voorhies 360
Office Hours
T 4:00–7:00 pm ON ZOOM or by appt.
Research Areas
Contract grading and assessment, disability studies, the rhetoric of Health and Medicine, the history of Technical Communication, student-centered pedagogy.

Amy Goodman-Bide

  • Lecturer
Shields 87C
Office Hours
ZOOM W 12:30-2:00 and R 9:30-11:00 & by appointment (email instructor for link)
Research Areas
science writing, healthcare communication, writing across the curriculum, multilingual writing, language and social interaction

Carolyn Gubala

  • Lecturer
Shields Library, Room 87C
Office Hours
Wednesday 10:45-11:45 a.m. in person (Shields 87C); Tuesday 10 a.m.-12 p.m. via Zoom
Research Areas
Technical communication, including editing and data visualizations; field-wide programmatic and pedagogical studies.

Cassie Hemstrom

  • Program Assessment Coordinator | Continuing Lecturer
Voorhies 381
Office Hours
T,R 10:30-12 via zoom & by appt
Research Areas
Community-based writing, rhetorical approaches to genre and audience, information literacy and writing pedagogy, identity theory and critical race theory.

Erika I-Tremblay

  • First-Year Writing Placement Coordinator | Lecturer
Voorhies 366
Office Hours
Monday 10:00 a.m. to noon & by appointment on Zoom
Research Areas
lifespan development of writing, second language writing, ethnography

Sophia Jin

  • Continuing Lecturer
Office Hours
MW 10:30-12, & by appt
Research Areas
Language as a political act in refugee communities, Language imperialism, Multilingualism, Second Language Acquisition

Brendan Johnston

Shields 87C-1
Office Hours
M 12:00-1:00PM, R 4:00-5:30 in Person; and by appointment on Zoom
Research Areas
Writing Studies and Pedagogy; Science and Technology Studies; Materialism (historical and scientific); Decolonial Studies; Film and Media Studies; Modernism and Poetics; Transnational American Literature; Literature and the Environment; Diversity in Higher Education (curriculum and access).

Andy Jones

  • Continuing Lecturer
353 Voorhies
Office Hours
W 10-11, R 9-10 via Zoom, and by appointment.
Research Areas
Computers and composition, journalism, new and digital media, writing in education, creativity, writing motivation, independent publishing.

Kendon Kurzer

  • Lecturer
Voorhies 350
Office Hours
W 11:00-12:30 Zoom (https://usfca.zoom.us/j/81989894513), R 12:00-1:30
Research Areas
Writing Across the Curriculum and multilingual writing, language/grammar support, multilingual writers in writing program administration contexts Select Research Publications: (2022). Accuracy gains from unfocused feedback: Dynamic Written Corrective Feedback as meaningful pedagogy. Journal of Language and Education. (2021). More than just grammar deficiencies: Moving faculty in the disciplines toward a difference-as-resource pedagogical paradigm. In E. Lee, N. Fahim, J. Johnson, and B. R. Schreiber (Eds.), Building a more linguistically just campus: Theory, pedagogy, and advocacy. (2018). Student perceptions of dynamic written corrective feedback in developmental multilingual writing classes. Journal of Response to Writing. (2018). Dynamic written corrective feedback in developmental ESL writing classes. TESOL Quarterly. Ferris, D. R., Evans, K., & Kurzer, K. (2017). Placement of multilingual writers: Is there a role for directed self-placement? Assessing Writing.

Shannah Lester

  • Continuing Lecturer
Voorhies 383
Office Hours
Thursdays 10am -12pm or by appt
Research Areas
Multimodal Feedback and its Implications with Multilingual Writers; Second Language Curriculum Design, Professional Writing and Multimodal Composition; Culture, Writing, and Rhetorical Implications; Professional Writing and Multicultural Communication ; Rhetoric of Social Media; Teaching Writing Online, Hybrid and Asynchronous Modalities; Visual Rhetoric in Digital Writing Environments

Elisabeth Lore

  • Continuing Lecturer
Office Hours
M & W 3 - 5 pm (Zoom) and by appt in-person or Zoom
Research Areas
French, Caribbean, Chicana/o, Multilingual Literature, and Mediating Literature, particularly in relation to immigration and identity construction.

Marit MacArthur

  • Associate Director for Writing Across the Curriculum--Grad | Lecturer
Office Hours
M 3:15-4:15 pm and W 9:10-10:10 am (87C), R 11:00 am – 12 noon, and by appt.
Research Areas
Digital voice studies, Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC), AI and writing, first-generation support, collaborative & interdisciplinary research and writing, open-source software development, performance studies, cultural analytics, 20th century poetry and the Anglo-American poetic tradition

Greg Miller

  • Continuing Lecturer
Voorhies 363
Office Hours
TR 1:30 - 3:00 (& by appt., including Zoom)
Research Areas
Composition Studies, Interdisciplinary Writing, Creative Writing, Creative Non-Fiction, Journalism, Literary Reviews, Film Studies, Critical Theory, Literature

Alison Moore

  • Lecturer
Shields 87A
Office Hours
Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:30-11:30 and by appointment
Research Areas
rhetoric and composition; antiracist writing pedagogies; intersectional feminist theory and practice; diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) & social justice; critical literacies; & writing across the curriculum

Sylvia Morales

  • Continuing Lecturer
Voorhies 360
Office Hours
Email to schedule - via Zoom by appt.
Research Areas
Composition and Rhetoric, Pedagogy, Technical & Professional Communication, Genre Analysis, Contract Grading, Learning Transfer

Katie Rodger

  • Internship Coordinator (UWP 92/192) | Continuing Lecturer
113 Voorhies
Office Hours
Via zoom: T 3-4:20pm, W 1-3pm, & by appt. - email for link
Research Areas
Science communication; professional science writing; environmental science writing; science journalism

Danielle Schmidli

  • Continuing Lecturer
Voorhies 383
Office Hours
T 10:00-11:30 (Zoom Only); W 1:00-2:30 (in office or Zoom) & by appt.
Research Areas
second language writing; peer and teacher feedback; international graduate writing, reading, and oral skills; curriculum development; building students' transferable skills; program administration;

William Sewell

  • Continuing Lecturer
Office Hours
Thursday 10:30 - 1:30
Research Areas
Technical & professional communication. Classical, material, visual, and sensory rhetorics. Computers and technology. Graphic design. UX & Usability. Online instruction. Instructional Design. Narrative. Creative Nonfiction. Prose style.

Lisa Sperber

  • Personnel Committee | Continuing Lecturer
309 Voorhies
Office Hours
T 12:30-2:30 (in person), R 2-3 (by zoom)
Research Areas
Teaching and research interests include Writing in Health Sciences and Writing in Education, Writing Across the Curriculum, labor-based contract grading, learning transfer, graduate writing and writing with AI.

Agnes Stark

  • UDCE Coordinator | Continuing Lecturer
Voorhies 115
Office Hours
M,W 12:00-1:00, T 10:00-11:00 (zoom only) & by appt.
Research Areas
Enter manually

Erika Strandjord

  • Lecturer
Voorhies 376
Office Hours
T 1:00-3:00 (Zoom), F 10:00-11:30 (in-person) & by appt.
Research Areas
I research community-building rhetoric through the lenses of feminist, cultural, and craft rhetorics.

Wally Wallis

285 Voorhies
Office Hours
M 2-3:30 (Zoom), R 8:30-10 (Voorhies 285), & by appt.
Research Areas
Gender and sexuality in early modern literature and culture

Nathaniel Williams

  • Continuing Lecturer
363 Voorhies
Office Hours
on research leave (Spring 2024)
Research Areas
Science and Technical Communication, American Literature and Culture, Science Fiction, Genre and Rhetoric