- "Peer and AI Review + Reflection (PAIRR): A Human-Centered Approach to Formative Assessment," forthcoming in Computers and Composition and available now as an SSRN preprint
- "Bad Idea: Now that We Have AI, We Can Ditch Human Feedback! Generative Idea: Combining Peer and AI Feedback" by Lisa Sperber, forthcoming in Bad Ideas About AI and Writing
- Embracing AI in the Classroom, a UC Davis College of Letters and Science Magazine story about PAIRR's California Learning Lab grant.
- AI Grand Challenge Grant from the California Learning Lab. "Peer & AI Review + Reflection (PAIRR) In Writing Instruction." 2025-2027.
- Association of Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC) Research Initiative Grant. “Assessing the impact of AI & peer feedback in small composition and large writing-intensive courses across the curriculum.” Project Team: Marit MacArthur, Sophia Minnillo, Lisa Sperber, Nick Stillman, and Carl Whithaus. June-September 2024.
- Scheduled for April: "Human-Centered AI Feedback: A Peer Review Remix," Lisa Sperber, Marit MacArthur, Sophia Minnillo, and Nicholas Stillman, University of California, Davis. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Baltimore, MD.
- Feb. “Peer and AI Review + Reflection (PAIRR): A Human-Centered Approach to Formative Assessment.” Lisa Sperber and Carl Whithaus. UC Assessment Conference. UC Davis, CA.
- Feb. “FACCC POLICY FORUM: AI in Higher Education: Promise and Peril." Anna Mills. Faculty Association of the California Community Colleges. Online.
- Jan. “Teaching with AI: Building Critical AI Literacy While Advancing Existing Learning Outcomes.” Anna Mills. SUNY Center for Professional Development.
- Jan. “Building Critical AI Literacies.” Marit MacArthur. Modern Language Association annual conference. New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Dec. TA Training, GenAI, and Teaching Writing.” Marit MacArthur and Sophia Minnillo. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference. UC Davis.
- Oct. “GenAI and Convergences of (Teaching) Writing and Coding.” Ty Feng, Marit MacArthur, Setareh Rafatirad, and Carl Whithaus. UC TECH 2024 Annual Conference. UC Davis, CA.
- Sept. “Human-Centered AI Feedback on Student Drafts.” Lisa Sperber, Marit MacArthur, Sophia Minnillo, Nicholas Stillman, and Carl Whithaus. Summer Institute on Teaching and Technology (SITT). UC Davis, CA.
- Sept. “AI for Writing Feedback: Supplementing a Human-Centered Writing Process and Cultivating Skepticism of AI Outputs.” Anna Mills. American Association of Colleges and Universities Institute for AI, Pedagogy, and the Curriculum. Online.
- Aug. “AI Feedback Combined with Peer Review: A Human-Centered Approach to AI Tools." Lisa Sperber, Marit MacArthur, and Carl Whithaus. Fostering Connections Conference. Bay Area Writing Project. UC Berkeley, CA.
- June. “AI for Writing Feedback: Supporting a Human-Centered Writing Process and Building AI Literacy.” Anna Mills. MyFest from Equity Unbound. Online.
- May. “The Evolving Landscape of Writing: GenAI Feedback and Peer Review.” Carl Whithaus. Musicology and Ethnomusicology Forum for the Music Department, UC Davis, CA.
- April “Human-Centered AI in Professional, Scientific, and Writing-Intensive Courses across the Curriculum: AI Feedback and Peer Review.” Marit MacArthur, Sophia Minnillo, and Carl Whithaus. UC Assessment Conference. UC Davis, CA.
- April. “Ethical and Social Impacts of AI: Education.” Marit MacArthur, Martin Hilbert and Lydia Torres. UC Davis Research Expo.
- April. “AI for formative writing feedback with teacher guidance.” Anna Mills and Eric Kean. Teaching, Colleges, and Community Conference. Online.
- April. “A Human-Centered Approach to AI: AI Feedback Combined with Peer Review.” Lisa Sperber. Academic Technology Services Faculty Forum, UC Davis.
- April “An Abundance of Contexts: How Genre Analysis Provides a Framework for Using Generative AI in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Writing Courses.” Marit MacArthur, Sophia Minnillo, Lisa Sperber, Nick Stillman, and Carl Whithaus. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Spokane, WA.
- April. "Guiding Students to Reflect on AI-Generated Feedback.” Anna Mills. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Spokane, WA.
- April “Generative AI and Writing.” Academic Technology Services Faculty Forum. Erik Fausak, Brendan Johnston, Marit MacArthur, Lisa Sperber, and Carl Whithaus. Online Panel. UC Davis, CA.
- Jan. “Teaching Critical AI Literacy and Using AI for Learning.” Anna Mills. San Mateo Community College District AR-AR-VR Conference. San Mateo, CA.
- Nov. "One Year On! Using AI in Professional Writing Contexts - A Conversation with Writers." Panel with Sabrina Barr (Harrison Temblador Hungerford & Guernsey Law), Stan Doherty (Google), Gustavo Garcia (Valley Vision, A Community Development Organization), Jonathan Schoelwer (Cybersecurity for Koch Industries) and Jason Lowe-Power (Computer Science, UC Davis).
- Nov. “Researching Learning and Assessment in the Time of Artificial Intelligence.” Panel Discussion Marilyn Derby, Joe Dumit, Kenji Sagae, and Carl Whithaus. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference. UC Davis, CA.
- Nov. “AI in the Writing Classroom: How Should We Teach About It and With It?” Anna Mills. A workshop for English teachers in the Kentucky Community and Technical Colleges System. Online.
- June. “Town Hall II - A Strange Hybridity: Writing with Generative AI.” Town Hall Antonio Hamilton, Marit MacArthur, Anna Mills, Wendi Sierra, Carl Whithaus, and Charles Woods. Computers & Writing Conference 2023, UC Davis, CA.
- April. “Rethinking Writing for Assessment in the Era of Artificial Intelligence.” Anna Mills. UC San Diego "Threats & Opportunities" Virtual Symposium.
- March. “ChatGPT: ‘Great at Pretending to Think.’" Lisa Sperber. Academic Technology Services’ Dolce Forum (Discussing Online Learning and Collaborative Education). UC Davis.
- March. “ChatGPT: Pretending to Think.” Lisa Sperber. Dolce: Discussing Online Learning and Collaborative Learning, UC Davis.
- Feb. “What Do We Tell Students about ChatGPT? Finding and Building English Open Educational Resources (OER) about Artificial Intelligence (AI) Writing Assistance.” Anna Mills. Academic Senate of California Community Colleges OER Initiative. Online.
- Feb. “ChatGPT: Literature Reviews and Blogs.” Lisa Sperber. University Writing Program, UC Davis.
- Feb. “Teaching with AI: Using Writing Generators in the Classroom.” Anna Mills. College Conference on Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL.