UWP 102F

Writing in the Disciplines: Food Science

Catalog Description

UWP 102F. Writing in the Disciplines: Food Science (4) Lecture/discussion 3 hours; extensive writing. Prerequisite: course 1 or English 3 or the equivalent and upper division standing. Open to majors in food science and technology and to students concurrently enrolled in an upper division course in food science and technology.  Advanced instruction in writing in food science and technology. GE credit: Wrt (cannot be used to saitisfy a college or university composition requirement and GE wrting experience simultaneously). —III. (III.)

Topical Outline

Understanding the writing process: prewriting/freewriting; drafting; revising; reorganizing; editing for grammar and stylistic efficiency; polishing. Planning rhetorical strategies appropriate to audiences in this discipline: assessing audience, purpose, format, style, tone, length; analyzing and meeting disciplinary expectations; providing necessary definitions and clarificaion; analyzing the needs, interests, abilities, and time constraints of the audience; understanding the role of data and graphical elements. Developing expertise in the conventions of professional writing: gaining familiarity with non-essayistic modes (letters, memoranda, proposals, reports, articles); controlling focus and organization; determining the most useful form; choosing the most appropriate evidence; presenting different kinds of evidence effectively; assessing bias or reliability of published sources; documenting sources using approved style. Developing style: writing clearly, precisely and efficiently; using forms of speech effectively; using specialized terminology appropriately.


Texts will vary according to quarter and instructor, but will include readings in related biological sciences, engineering, and other aspects of the food industry; the writings of previous quarters' adjunct students, and assignments for lectures by guest speakers. Most sections will also use a style book such as Ed Good's Mightier than the Sword, Maxine Hairston's Successful Writing or Joseph M. Williams' Style.

Course Format and Requirements

UWP 102F is a four-unit course. Three hours per week is lecture/discussion. 6 hrs. of outside prep goes with the 3 hrs. of lecture/discussion. As with all upper division writing classes, an additional unit of credit is justified by the significant amount of work that students must do outside of class time to plan, draft, and revise the 6,000 or more words of required writing (additional 3 hrs. ouf outside work). In addition to this substantial written requirement, students will meet individually with the instructor for discussion and evaluation of their work. The estimated time of preparation of the writing assignments (research, consultation, drafting, revision) is thirty hours, an amount consistent with the Carnegie Rule guidelines.

Explanation of Potential Course Overlap

UWP 102F does not overlap with any other course. UWP 102F is distinguished from UWP 101, Advanced Composition, from UWP 102 A (Writing in the Disciplines: Special Topic), from other 102's, from from UWP 104E (Writing in the Professions: Science), and from other advanced writing courses by its specific emphasis on writing in the discipline of food science and technology. UWP 102F is distinguished from the companion course by its emphasis on instruction in writing rather than on the subject matter of the companion course.

General Education Justification

Grades will be based on the students' performance on writing assignments and in workshop tasks. These assignments will derive from assigned readings discussed in class, as well as more focused readings chosen by the student according to area of expertise. Assignments are developed and drafted outside of class; drafts will be exchanged for peer critique. Grading standards are consistent with those defined by the University Writing Program for all upper division writing courses, and include significant commitment to the principles of strong grammatical prose style. The final exam is usually a pressure writing exercise requiring synthesis of several topics and tasks. Written assignments comprise the course minimum of 6000 words; the number of assignments, assigned topics and weight of each assignment will vary according to the quarter and instructor, as will the emphasis placed on substantive revision. All assignments will be graded on content and style. Each assignment will be thoroughly introduced by the instructor, using models of successful work as appropriate. Students will receive frequent feedback on drafts of assignments, through instructor commentary, conferences, and peer response. Students will have frequent opportunity to revise drafts.