Pamela Demory

Pamela Demory's picture

Position Title
Emerita Lecturer



Pamela Demory teaches courses in advanced composition, style in the essay, scientific writing, writing in the health professions, writing in fine arts, writing in film studies, and queer cinema. Currently she is serving as Production Editor for WOE (Writing on the Edge). She has also taught English courses in the 20th-century British novel, British Modernism, the short story, and film as narrative. For six years she served as editor of Prized Writing, the anthology of prize-winning student essays, and administered the Prized Writing contest. Her writing and research interests include adaptation studies, film as narrative, popular culture (fiction, film, and television), and queer cinema. In addition to the publications listed below, she has presented conference papers on a wide variety of subjects, including adaptations of Heart of DarknessWise Blood, the stories of Raymond Carver, Pride and Prejudice, Twilight, Gods and Monsters, and The Celluloid Closet; the topics of queer romantic comedies, writer movies, and based-on-a-true-story movies; and queer film and television, including Queer as Folk and Hedwig and the Angry Inch. Her most recent book is Queer/Adaptation, a collection of essays on the intersection of "queer" and "adaptation."


Ph.D., English — University of California, Davis — 1990 [Dissertation: “A Wilderness of Words”: Referentiality in the Works of Joseph Conrad]
M.A., English — University of California, Davis — 1986
A. B. magna cum laude, English/Music — University of Southern California — 1979
Coursework in English and Music — Pacific University (Forest Grove, Oregon), 1974–1976



Queer/Adaptation: A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Pamela Demory. Palgrave, 2019.

Queer Love in Film and Television: Critical Essays. Eds. Pamela Demory and Christopher Pullen. New York: Palgrave, 2013.

Articles (selected)

“Moonlight, Adaptation, and Queer Time.” Queer/Adaptation, 2019.

“Queer Adaptation.” Routledge Companion to Adaptation. Eds. Katja Krebs, Eckart Voigts, and Dennis Cutchins, 2018, pp. 146–156.

“Hedwig Queers Hollywood.” Forthcoming in the Journal of Popular Culture.

“The Pleasures of Adapting: Reading, Viewing, Logging On.” The Twilight Mystique: Critical Essays on the Novels and Films. Eds. Amy Clarke and Marijane Osborn. McFarland Press, 2010.

“Jane Austen and the Chick Flick in the 21st Century.”  Adaptation Studies: New Approaches.  Eds. Christa Albrecht-Crane and Dennis Cutchins.  Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2010.

“‘It’s About Seeing . . .’—Representations of the Female Body in Robert Altman’s Short Cuts and Raymond Carver’s Stories,” Short Story Criticism 104 (2007): 139–144. (Reprinted from Pacific Coast Philology, 1999).

“’It’s All Storytelling’: An Interview with Michael Pollan.” Writing on the Edge 17.1 (Fall 2006): 77–95.

 “Apocalypse Now Redux: Heart of Darkness Moves into New Territory.” Literature/Film Quarterly 35.1 (Jan 2007): 342–9.

 Teaching with Prized Writing: A Reference Guide (2002, updated 2003). Teaching Manual.

“Into the Heart of Light: Barbara Kingsolver Re-reads Heart of Darkness.” Conradiana 34 (2002): 181–93.

“‘It’s About Seeing . . .’—Representations of the Female Body in Robert Altman’s Short Cuts and Raymond Carver’s Stories,” Pacific Coast Philology 34 (1999): 96­–105.

“Faithfulness vs. Faith: John Huston’s Version of Flannery O’Connor’s Wise Blood” Journal of Southern Religion 2 (1999).  Available  <>

“Ambivalence in Joseph Conrad’s A Personal Record: The Anti-Autobiographical Autobiography,” Pacific Coast Philology 32 (1997): 54–65.

“Violence and Transcendence in Pulp Fiction and Flannery O’Connor,” The Image of Violence in Literature, the Media, and Society.  Selected papers, 1995 Conference, Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery.  Univ. of Southern Colorado, 1995.

Nostromo: Making History,” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 35:3 (Fall 1993): 316–46.