Position Title
Continuing Lecturer
Teaching Areas:
Before coming to UC Davis in 2015, I worked at an American university in Slovakia for 13 years. I taught academic writing and listening/speaking skills in the Intensive English Program and first-year composition, managerial communications, international relations, and political science at the undergraduate level in Slovakia. In addition, I led hybrid courses in writing, research, and presentation skills for MBA students in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Romania, and Bulgaria. I also served as the curriculum coordinator for European programs for four years. As a freelancer, I edited, and sometimes translated, materials for Slovak IT companies and travel publications. Previously, I was a Peace Corps volunteer in the Russian Far East, where I taught English to grades 2-11 at a village school.
M.A. TESOL, California State University, Sacramento
M.A. Russian and East European Studies, Stanford University
B.A. International Relations, Stanford University