Writing a Literature Review
Writing a Literature Review
Image source: blog.thinkbuzan.com/training/trainer-showcase-mind-mapping-for-university-students
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Noon-1:30pm | Voorhies 126
The literature review is one of the most important and prevalent documents in academic and professional writing. This workshop will provide an overview of why we write literature reviews, how to approach large research projects, and ways to organize articles for the review paper. Participants are invited to bring notes and drafts of articles they are currently working on for discussion and writing tips. Those who have not yet begun writing are also encouraged to attend as this workshop is designed to help writers get started on their papers.
Instructor: Katie Rodger is a lecturer in the University Writing Program where she regularly teaches Writing in the Sciences, Environmental Writing, and Advanced Composition. She has also taught Writing for the Health Professions. Katie has worked with scientists at Stanford University, San Jose State University, and UC Davis, co-teaching classes and writing collaboratively.
Sponsored by the University Writing Program: Writing Across the
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