Dana Ferris Publishes Articles in Assessing Writing and RTE

Professor Dana Ferris has recently published two journal articles, both co-authored with current or former students of the WRaCS Designated Emphasis. Both articles report upon primary research completed in the UWP. The first, "Placement of Multilingual Writers: Is There a Role for Student Voices?" was published in Assessing Writing, 32(1), 1-11, and is co-authored by 2017 graduates Dr. Katherine Evans (Linguistics) and Kendon Kurzer (Education). The second, "Self-Directed Language Development: A Study of First-Year College Writers," was published in Research in the Teaching of English, 51(4), 418-440, and is co-authored by 2015 graduate Dr. Grant Eckstein (Linguistics, now assistant professor at Brigham Young University) and Ph.D. student Garrett DeHond (Education).
